GET Event/{id}/Registrations
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id | integer |
Required |
Keyword | string |
None. |
EventId | integer |
None. |
SearchAnySignUpDate | boolean |
None. |
SignUpStartDate | date |
None. |
SignUpEndDate | date |
None. |
AllUnpaid | boolean |
None. |
AllWithBlankAttendees | boolean |
None. |
AllWithProfileIdNotAssigned | boolean |
None. |
EventItemIds | Collection of integer |
None. |
InvoiceNumber | integer |
None. |
ProfileId | integer |
None. |
PageNumber | integer |
None. |
PageSize | integer |
None. |
OrderBy | string |
None. |
OrderByPropertyNameMapping | Dictionary of string [key] and string [value] |
None. |
OrderByPropertyMappingPrefixesToIgnore | Collection of string |
None. |
OrderByPropertyMappingPrefixesToAppend | Collection of string |
None. |
OrderByExpression | string |
None. |
ObjectState | ObjectStateEnum |
None. |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
SearchResultDtoOfIEnumerableOfRegistrationSearchResultDtoName | Description | Type | Additional information |
TotalCount | integer |
None. |
TotalPages | integer |
None. |
CurrentPageNumber | integer |
None. |
PageSize | integer |
None. |
Result | Collection of RegistrationSearchResultDto |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
Sample not available.